List of all resources about interaction (including Q & A, giving opinions, classroom language)
Hubs and spokes classroom language posters FR (Hubs and spokes classroom language posters )
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Detective Script (French Detective Script physical description)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Celebrity Interviews (French Celebrity Interviews)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Peer Assessment Self and Family (French Peer Assessment Self and Family)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Catch the spy (French Catch the spy personal ID)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French - name and birthday (French - name and birthday)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
TL Bingo French (TL Bingo French)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
List of all resources about presentation and self-expression (describing people, places, things, expressing and developing ideas)
French Dragon’s Den (French Dragon’s Den)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Joke Retell au collège (French Joke Retell au collège)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Dice Game (French Dice Game)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Manger 4 Activities (French Manger 4 Activities)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
French Keep Talking (French Keep Talking)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
List of all resources about pronunciation and intonation
KS2-3 French Sounds Key Words (KS2-3 French Sounds Key Words)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)
KS2-3 Francophoniques (KS2-3 Francophoniques)
(Contributor: ALL Connect Team)